Igor Rudy

Igor Rudy is a famous Ukrainian musician and composer. He has won the Grand Prize and won the number one people’s choice in the festival Music World, Italy, 2002. He is a holder of non-official title “Golden Saxophone of Ukraine”. He has been the soloist and the artist of the National Radio Company of the Ukraine “Radio Band of Alexander Fokin.

Since 1992, he has been cooperating with the famous Ukrainian and foreign singers including Sophia Rotaru, Valery Meladze, Larisa Dolina, Taisia Povaliy, Tamara Gverdtsitely, Victor Pavlik, O. Krukova, D. Klimashenko, E. Vlasova, Taras Pertienko, I. Skazina, Lery Vina, Assia Ahat, Peter Cherny, Katya Buzhinska, N. Mogilevska, Karina Play, Vladimir Gryshko, O. Pekun, Alexandr Panayotov, Vatentina Stepova, band “Man Sound”, Tatyana Nedelska, Natalia Bakai, Andrei Danilko (Verka Serdyuchka), the group ” Via Gra” and many others.

You can hear his saxophone in the first Ukrainian musical “Equator” and popular musical films “Cinderella” and “Fair in Sorochinsk”.

In 2004-2006 Igor was cooperating with such famous singers as Jonathan Butler (Los Angeles, USA), Roy Ayers (New York, USA), Jesus Lantermo (“Gipsy King”), “Katina Boyz” (Nashville, USA).

He has five solo albums: “Friends forever”, “Close to you…”, “Popular Christian songs with instrumental accompaniment”, “Re play”, “Bridges of love”. At present he is working on several new projects.

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On the Scene with Igor Rudy